Drain Smart Mural, 2020

Drain Smart is an environmental program that educates the public on the importance of local storm drains. It also advocates for the arts by commissioning local artists like myself to create one of a kind murals throughout central Arkansas. I was fortunate to be selected to paint a storm drain located on Military Drive in North Little Rock. Sadly the paint they provided wasn’t lightfast so the sun has already started taking it’s toll but there is a certain beauty in the impermanence of outdoor art like this.

The concept for this project started out as a sketch I did one day at my favorite cafe. When I saw the call for artists I immediately knew that it would fit the theme of the project perfectly. Painting the sketch was actually my first foray into working with gouache which turned out to be a fun and successful experiment.

For more details on the Drain Smart project, check out the interview I did on THV11.